date: 2024-01-01
lang: en
icon: IbDocument
In software development, especially in projects involving extensive code and collaboration among several developers, good organization of folders and files is crucial. In PHP, where projects can often start as simple scripts and grow in complexity, defining a clear structure from the beginning is essential for maintaining scalability and maintainability. This article explores various ways to structure PHP projects without relying on specific frameworks, using Composer for third-party package management.
|-- assets/ # CSS, images, JavaScripts, etc.
|-- app/
| |-- Controllers/ # Controllers
| |-- Models/ # Models
| |-- Views/ # Views
|-- config/ # Configurations
|-- public/ # Publicly accessible folder
| |-- index.php # Entry point
|-- lib/ # Libraries and helpers
|-- logs/ # Log files
|-- tests/ # Tests
|-- vendor/ # Composer dependencies
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is one of the most common approaches in web development. In this pattern, Model
represents business logic and data manipulation, View
is responsible for presenting information to the user, and Controller
acts as an intermediary between Model and View, managing user input and system responses.
|-- assets/
|-- modules/ # Independent modules
| |-- User/
| | |-- Controllers/
| | |-- Models/
| | |-- Views/
| |-- Product/
| |-- Controllers/
| |-- Models/
| |-- Views/
|-- config/
|-- public/
| |-- index.php
|-- lib/
|-- logs/
|-- tests/
|-- vendor/
In module-based organization, the project is divided into several independent modules, each with its own set of views, controllers, and models. This allows work on one module without directly affecting others.
|-- assets/
|-- src/
| |-- Domain/ # Domain entities and logic
| | |-- User/
| | | |-- User.php # User entity
| | | |-- UserRepository.php
| | |-- Product/
| | |-- Product.php
| | |-- ProductRepository.php
| |-- Application/ # Use cases, commands, events
| |-- Infrastructure/ # Data access implementation, email, etc.
|-- config/
|-- public/
| |-- index.php
|-- lib/
|-- logs/
|-- tests/
|-- vendor/
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach that focuses on the complexity of applications and their domains. The project structure closely aligns with the business domain, integrating business logic and rules into the architecture.
Choosing a folder structure for PHP projects should be based on various factors, including the nature of the project, the size of the development team, and long-term growth perspectives. Each approach has its advantages and limitations, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs of the project and the team.