2000-2005 - Technological Evolution

Windows Era and Competitive Programming (2000-2001)

The dawn of the new millennium witnessed a transition to Microsoft Windows 95 and 98. Visual Basic 6 opened the doors to Windows application development, while Turbo Pascal became a companion on the path to competitive programming. High-performance training for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) refined algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills.

Mastery and Project Development (2001-2003)

Embracing Microsoft Office '98 and Visual Studio 6, the years 2001 to 2003 marked the mastery of advanced development tools. Quick Basic continued to be a creative outlet, contributing to diverse projects that showcased evolving skills. The development of applications with enhanced graphical interfaces became a focal point, setting the stage for more complex endeavors.

The early 2000s brought a deeper exploration of databases. SuperCalc's spreadsheet prowess remained relevant, while dBase II and III introduced fundamental concepts of data organization. These years laid the groundwork for understanding relational databases, data manipulation, and the crucial role of efficient data management in the software development lifecycle.

The period from 1997 to 2005 represents a dynamic trajectory—transitioning from the rudiments of programming to mastering diverse tools and languages. The amalgamation of experiences during these years forms the bedrock of a multifaceted journey into the expansive realm of information technology.