1997 - Unveiling the World of LocoScript


My Introduction to Word Processing

In the intricate tapestry of 1997, a pivotal chapter unfolds as I delve into the world of Locoscript on the Amstrad PCW. Developed by Locomotive Software, Locoscript served as the cornerstone of word processing for these personal computers. This period not only marked my initiation into word processing but also revealed the remarkable capabilities of the PCW keyboard, which could seamlessly transcribe text even in Cyrillic.

Locoscript, with its intuitive interface and multifaceted features, became my gateway to the fascinating realm of word processing. Picture the resonance of keystrokes echoing a journey of linguistic exploration, as the PCW keyboard transformed into a versatile tool for creative expression. In this section, we navigate the nuances of my first word processing experiences, exploring how Locoscript's capabilities transformed the act of typing into a harmonious symphony of languages and creativity.